Gratitude for the Gift of Health

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Praying for the Coronavirus to be Contained

As y’all know, the Coronavirus epidemic (Covid-19) is a wave sweeping the world.  Beginning in China, throughout Asia to Middle East, Europe, Africa, America and just next door in Indonesia and Australia.  It is now in 157 countries and territories and one (1) international conveyance (The Diamond Princess cruise ship anchored in Yokohama, Japan).

The world has now over 169,202 confirmed cases, 6,492 deaths and 76,615 have recovered.  China has the highest number of 80,849 cases, 3,199 deaths and 66,931 recoveries.  That is followed by Italy at 24,747 cases and 1809 deaths, Iran with 13,939 cases 724 deaths, South Korea with 8,162 cases and 75 deaths, Spain with 7,843 cases and 292 deaths, Germany with 5,813 cases and 11 deaths, France with 5,423 with 127 deaths and USA with 3,621 cases and 63 deaths.

It seems the epidemic has slowed down in China as the Government took unprecedented quarantine measures.  Reports are out that the last field hospital in Wuhan is now closed.  It seems the epidemic is now sweeping Europe.  The are not confirmed cases in my country yet.  I pray it doesn’t reach us.

This morning I am deeply grateful that the number of patients recovering has increased and China is now closing the last temporary hospital.  May the memory of those Doctors and health workers who died from contracting the virus while working on the front lines be a blessing.

Praying too that the disease is contained and the scientists find the cure vaccine against the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic.

Free photo by Thgusstavo Santana from Pexels

Today’s Gratitude Practice for the Gift of Health

  • I am deeply grateful for the gift of health that is keeping me alive.  Millions of people die longing for life.  I’m deeply grateful that I am healthy and alive today. Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.
  • I’m deeply grateful for my perfect working healthy heart that never stops pumping blood to all my body parts, carrying essential oxygen to my cells so I can remain alive.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.
  • I am deeply grateful for my cells, the building blocks of by body, for re-generating themselves, fighting off diseases and working hard to maintain my health and remain alive.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.
  • Thank you so much for my perfect two hands that enables me to work, type and do everything as a human being.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.
  • I’m deeply grateful for my beautiful legs and feet.  It carries me around, I’m mobile, and I can live, move around freely, work and do everything myself.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.
  • I’m deeply grateful for my powerful brain and the brain cells that are healthy and I can think with all wisdom, understanding, intelligence and creativity.  I am sane and I’m a great thinker.  Thank you.  Thank you. Thank you.
  • I’m deeply thankful for my internal organs, my lungs, my kidneys, intestines, gall bladder and the my blood.  They’re all health and functioning at maximum to keep me alive.  Thank you.
  • I’m deeply grateful for my healthy skin – the three layers of my skin – that carries out their functions to protect my inner cells and organs, keep me cool and ward off diseases.  Thank you.
  • I’m deeply grateful for my healthy natural afro hair that is growing longer and thicker protecting my head, brain and is the crown of my glory.  Thank you.

TodahRabahAdonai for this precious gift of health and life.  Thank you for the breath of life that is keeping me alive.

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