Foundations of Faith Revealed: The Key of Abraham Revealed

Why is Genesis 12:3 is a covenant issue? To understand the covenant issue, let us consider the concept of “covenant”.  According to The Bible Tools, the term covenant is of Latin origin (con venire), meaning “a coming together… of two or more parties…to make a contract, agreeing on promises, stipulations, privileges, and responsibilities”.  Politically, it

Foundations of Faith Revealed: The Key of Abraham – Israel our Mother

What is the relationship of Israel and the Church today?  What is it and what is it called to be?  What does this have to do with the Key of Abraham (Genesis 12:3)? The Relationship of Israel and the Church Defining the context of “Israel” and the “Church” is essential in understanding the relationship. Israel

Foundations of Faith Revealed: Rediscovering Israel

Israel is not just another country on earth.  It is a faith.  The roots of my faith, and that of billions of Christians throughout the world, are buried deep within its very existence, the holy land, Israel’s journey since the beginning of time, its Torah, and the Messiah that the God of Israel blessed the

Book Review: Grafted In – It’s Time to Return to Greatness

Grafted In - It's time to return to greatness

It’s time for the greatest restoration of all times: The Jewish People back to their Messiah and the Christians back to the original Gospel which was preached by Jewish Apostles. For Almost 2000 years the world has been waiting for this great restoration, the angels are watching, the demons are trembling. This is a wonderful

Imagination and the Coronavirus Plague Invisible Terror

Do you sometimes think you’re weird? I do. When MH370 disappeared, I was “hooked” on the stories. Everyday I searched the internet and read every piece of story, conspiracy theories, suspicions, and anything I could find. I prayed for the victims. Asked God to tell me tell me what happened. And had my own imaginations

Book Review: The Healing Power of the Roots

Summary The Healing Power of the Roots contains YAH’s critical message for the Church to reconnect to its Jewish and Biblical roots as a matter of life and death.  Since 325 AD, sun worshiper Emperor Constantine established Christianity as the official religion of the Byzantine Empire based on paganism and institutionalized Replacement Theology (RT), anti-Semitism,

Gratitude for the Gift of Health

Praying for the Coronavirus to be Contained As y’all know, the Coronavirus epidemic (Covid-19) is a wave sweeping the world.  Beginning in China, throughout Asia to Middle East, Europe, Africa, America and just next door in Indonesia and Australia.  It is now in 157 countries and territories and one (1) international conveyance (The Diamond Princess